Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Activities

Well hello there everyone! Sorry we’ve been a MIA! Things have been busy busy around here. I hope everyone had a nice, long Memorial Weekend. Smile

A couple weeks back, I wrote a post asking about activities for little munchkins. I came across a great list, so I thought I’d share! A lot of the activities are no brainers, but it’s nice to see them on paper (or computer screen). Sometimes we forget about all the FREE things we can do just around our neighborhood!

Maybe you and your kiddo could make a “Bucket List” of things you want to do by the end of the summer? Some of these might be perfect!


100 FREE THINGS to do with your kids this summer….

This list is full of great ideas, but here are just a few of my favorites:


Cook with the kids

Plant a garden!

Blow up Diet Coke with Mentos (even I want to try this!!!)

Travel around the world. Have English scones for breakfast, Chinese Stir Fry for lunch, Italian for dinner. Make a craft to go with each country, get a library book with photos of these places. (maybe even see if you have a friend your child can become pen pals with.)

You could also go to your favorite Baby Boutique and shop around. Smile We have so many wonderful outdoor toys! I love the Melissa and Doug sprinkler. You can get a girl version or a boy version.


This would be awesome for any kid. So much better than sitting inside watching TV!

I also love the Melissa and Doug Bug House. If I were a lightening bug, I wouldn’t mind this as a house. Smile


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mom, I'm soooooooooooo bored!

It's almost that time of year when the kids are out of school and you're pulling your hair out because you are running out of things to do with your antsy kids. Right? Some might say I can't relate (yet) because my little one is just 8 months old. I still pull my hair out somedays though because I worry about little BG getting bored.

Anywho, what are some of your favorite summer activities that keep your children entertained? How do you beat the boredom blues? My baby can't even talk yet and even I don't want to hear "Mom, I'm bored!" My response would probably be "here's a rag, go dust." Haha. Just kidding! I'm starting to sound like a mean mommy!

Ok ok, I came across THIS and I think many of you may love this idea! A BORED JAR! If you're a crafter, you could make a really pretty jar to leave on the counter. If you're not crafty, have no fear! Just take a spaghetti jar and put your activities onto strips of paper. It's all the same in the end anyway. :)

Here's an example from Shaydes of LifeIncluded in the "bored jar" are some "terribles" as well as exciting things to do. My terrible would definitely be "go dust your room". hehe One of my fun activities would be to go get ice cream. The idea is that whatever the paper says, you have to do it no matter what. So, if its go get ice cream make sure you're able to drop what you're doing too.

Here are some other ideas for your jar...
Play with chalk
Water plants
Write a letter to Grandma and Grandpa
Set the table for dinner
Listen to music
Take a nap

And here are some ideas for jars!

This last one is my favorite! I found it over at Becoming Martha. She takes this to a whole new level! I love how she wrote her activities on popsicle sticks. Plus, my heart thumps for cute little owls. Hoot hoot!

So, how do you combat boredom?

New Baby Boy!

Hi Zoolu! Fans!

There's a new baby in the Zoolu! family....Cooper McGee, 8 lbs 8 oz, 20 inches, born 10:09 pm on May 16, Mama and baby are doing awesome!

Happy birthday sweet boy! Isn't he perfect? His cheeks kill me!

Did you participate in the FB guessing game/giveaway? There were three people that guessed May 18, so when things settle down a bit around here we will announce the winner. :)

Make sure to stop by our facebook page to say congratulations to the woman behind Zoolu!'s awesomeness!!!

Sorry for the funky format. I don't have my normal computer with me so blogger isn't coorperating with fonts and format!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Show that special teacher you care!

Did you know that last week was Teacher Appreciation Week? If you didn’t, have no fear! Your favorite baby boutique is here to help! We need good teachers in our lives, don’t you think? If you know of a great one around you, please remember to say “thanks”. They deserve all the appreciation out there!

Some things you could give your child’s teacher at the end of the year are personalized items, stationary, ABC pasta, or get really creative and put together a Summer basket that includes the Dip Trio, BBQ Rub, beach towel and sunscreen!

Here! I’ve made it easy for you. Smile Click to see more items!

A personalized basket (choose one from each category!)…



Or you can go the more unique route. Since Summer is around the corner, why not do a beach towel and some BBQ rub to get everyone excited for the warm weather!


I know quite a few teachers that would love to receive these at the end of the school year. I know I would love to get some of these goodies too. Smile Maybe I should become a teacher. hehe

Monday, May 2, 2011

What foodie do you “follow”?

Ok blog readers and followers….when you’re searching for a new recipe, what website do you go to? Are there blogs that you follow and always know that you’re sure to find a fabulous recipe there? When it comes to “professional” websites, I like or I love reading reviews so “All Recipes” is great for that! I tend to follow more recipe blogs though because they’re more personable and I figure if they’re putting the recipe out on the interwebz, it must be good. Right? Below I’ve listed my favorites! Please share yours!

If you’re watching your weight….or not…Skinny Taste is your best bet!


Joelen is a genius. I’ve been following her cooking adventures for 4 years! I know, crazy….blogging wasn’t even that big 4 years ago!


Ree Drummond of The Pioneer Woman is my idol. One time someone said I reminded them of Ree! BEST.COMPLIMENT. EVER. She is witty, a great cook, has a phenomenal cinnamon roll recipe and she is just plain brilliant. Smile As am I. Ree, if you see the image below and hate it, I’m sorry. I couldn’t “save” the header from your blog.


Warhawk Chefs is a blog full of many different types of recipes. This is actually a blog that my former squadron started. We had weekly (at least it seemed that way at times) functions that always included delicious food and girls saying “I NEED THAT RECIPE!” So, one of the girls decided a blog would be the perfect way to collect every recipe. It is still added to quite frequently, so keep checking back for more!



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