Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My family and I are headed to San Francisco this weekend for a wedding. While I was packing I started thinking about how much STUFF little kids require. My baby girl is 10 months, so she really only needs food and a couple small toys. As kids grow, it seems like the toys just get bigger!

I kind of can’t wait for my little one to be old enough for a “Find It” toy. Check out how cool these are! It’d be perfect for a car ride or plane ride. While it is a game, it’s a game that your children can play by themselves. You can join in on the fun though, if you want. Smile It also isn’t messy….no little pieces to pick up or chase down the aisle on a plane!

Depending on what theme you choose, there are endless little goodies your kids will find inside. Just SPIN IT, TWIST IT, SHAKE IT and start searching! Kids will have so much fun seeing all the little surprises and trying to be the first to find a giraffe, soccer ball, or necklace. You could even time them so that they can try to beat their previous score. Be creative. Smile 

You can find all of these fun FIND IT toys today in the new and improved Zoolu! Baby Boutique. WOOHOO! We hope you like it!

find it sportsfind it wizardfind it zooFind-It-Games-Kids-Versionfind-it-glitz-glamour

Monday, July 18, 2011

Should children be allowed in restaurants?

no-childrenFor starters, YES! I think children should be allowed in restaurants…

A friend of mine from Pennsylvania, forwarded me an interesting article regarding kids in restaurants. Last week, the owner of McDain’s Restaurant and Gold Center in Monroeville, Pa., banned children under age 6. HERE is the article. Personally, I was offended when I first read the article. I understand that there can be some loud kids, but this seems so unnecessary.

Vuick, the owner of the restaurant said "Nothing wrong with babies, but the fact is you can't control their volume," Vuick said. "There may be restaurants that prefer to cater to such things. Not here.”

Last Friday my husband and I had a date night at an upscale restaurant that was intimate and quiet. The table right behind us was a couple with their 4 year old son. He was the most well-behaved kid I’ve ever seen in a restaurant. When we left I actually complimented the couple because I was so impressed. If the kid had been loud, rude, or throwing a fit I would’ve been upset, but I don’t think our night would have been ruined. I would’ve been more frustrated at the parents for not disciplining their child and taking them out to the car for a little bit. If someone can get escorted out of a bar, I think the manager or owner of a restaurant can ask someone to PLEASE take their child out of the restaurant if customers are being disturbed. At the same time, I think it is the parents responsibility to take their child outside until they calm down.

I do think that banning kids under 6 is rude and slightly discriminating. What about the 7 year old that throws a fit because they don’t like the chunky tomatoes in their spaghetti? How can you draw the line at age 6? Heck, I’ve been mortified and embarrassed by the volume level of some adults! I have a 10 month old that is great in restaurants. Sure, we choose to have a babysitter most of the time, but she is good when we take her out. This just doesn’t seem fair. I actually think it’s a little lazy on the owner’s part to not just ask someone to take their child out of the restaurant.

Hmm….What do you all think? Yes, it’s a free country, so go ahead and put up a “no kids allowed sign”. Do you really think that’s fair though? Can a few groups really ruin it for the rest of us?


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